書家 / Calligrapher
石本 美帆
Miho Ishimoto
2005年11月 第一回個展 大黒屋ギャラリー
2010年11月 第二回個展 ギャラリーナミキ
2013年11月 第三回個展 円鳥洞画廊
2017年6月 第四回個展 銀座アートホール
2018年6月 第五回個展 ホテル椿山荘東京 アートギャラリー
2021年11月 第六回個展 北井画廊
2022年5月 ニューヨーク「MONTSERRAT CONTEMPORARY ART」(1年間常設展示)
2023年7月 ニューヨーク「MONTSERRAT CONTEMPORARY ART」”Spotlight”(企画展示)
2023年11月 ニューヨーク「MONTSERRAT CONTEMPORARY ART」”Spotlight”(企画展示)
2019年 ArtExpo New York
2020年 LA Art Show

2009年 ウェルネスシステム研究所 ロゴ制作
2011年 学優舎 看板文字執筆
2015年 東急ステイ新宿 エレベーターホール設置作品制作
2016年 熱海TENSUI ロゴ制作
2017年 東急ステイ京都 エレベーターホール設置作品制作
2020年 ウィルネスシステム研究所 リニューアルロゴ作成
Miho Ishimoto
Japanese calligrapher
Ishimoto creates high-quality works of classical calligraphy that draw on her years of study of Japanese and Chinese history. At the same time, her works have a feeling of novelty that harmonize with contemporary artistic and commercial themes as well as urban and rustic backgrounds.
In her creations, Ishimoto understands and applies not only the image associated with the theme or background but also the characteristics of each calligraphy style, while at the same time being aware of the features of brush, ink and paper that create possibilities for developing different styles. This synthesis of style and material allows the direction of her work to avoid narrow bounds to instead explore a wide range of expressive creativity. In addition to employing traditional calligraphy techniques, she also uses a variety of tools and materials including those not typically found in the classical tradition. She achieves a certain value by designing her own framing.
Ishimoto also creates logo designs and signboard lettering among her pursuit of calligraphic applications.
Ishimoto owns a calligraphy school and contracts with companies and organizations in the Tokyo metropolitan area to teach calligraphy classes to a wide range of students, from young children to senior citizens and from students to professionals.
She has also in recent years travelled to China to deepen her knowledge of and professional training in classical calligraphy by studying ancient forms of Chinese calligraphy.
Solo Exhibition History
November 2021 6th exhibition Gallery KITAI
June 2018 5th exhibition Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Art Gallery
May 2017 4th exhibition Ginza Art Hall
November 2013 3rd exhibition Enchodo Gallery
November 2010 2nd exhibition Gallery Namiki
November 2005 1st exhibition DAIKOKUYA Gallery